Thursday, May 01, 2014

Crispy Sweet Potato Fries

Morning loves! Hope everyone is doing really well! As it is almost weekend I decided to share a snack I make almost every Sunday afternoon: crispy sweet potato fries! They are extremely easy to make and you can enjoy them within 30 minutes, which is the reason why they are such a hit in our family!

Health Benefits Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are extremely good for you as they are full of wonderful vitamins, iron and magnesium:
- Sweet potatoes are high in vitamin B6. This vitamin helps reduce chemicals in our bodies. Homocysteine chemicals have been linked with degenerative diseases, including prevention of heart attacks!
- Sweet potatoes are a good source of vitamin C. While most people know that vitamin C is important to help ward off cold and flu viruses, few people are aware that this crucial vitamin plays an important role in bone and tooth formation, digestion, and blood cell formation. It helps accelerate wound healing, produces collagen which helps maintain skin’s youthful elasticity, and is essen­tial to helping us cope with stress. It even appears to help protect our body against toxins that may be linked to cancer.
- Sweet potatoes contain Vitamin D which is critical for immune system and overall health at this time of year.  Both a vitamin and a hormone, vitamin D is primarily made in our bodies as a result of getting adequate sunlight. You may have heard about seasonal affective disorder (or SAD, as it is also called), which is linked to inadequate sunlight and therefore a vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D plays an important role in our energy levels, moods, and helps to build healthy bones, heart, nerves, skin, and teeth..
- Sweet potatoes contain iron. Most people are aware that we need the mineral iron to have adequate energy, but iron plays other important roles in our body, including red and white blood cell production, resistance to stress, proper im­mune functioning, and the metabolizing of protein, among other things.
- Sweet potatoes are a good source of mag­nesium, which is the relaxation and anti-stress mineral. Magnesium is necessary for healthy artery, blood, bone, heart, muscle, and nerve function, yet experts estimate that approximately 80 percent of the popula­tion in North America may be deficient in this important mineral.

Crispy Sweet Potato Fries
4 medium sweet potatoes
2 tablespoons of coconut oil
1 tablespoon red pepper powder
1/2 tablespoon chili powder
Sea salt
Soak your sweet potatoes in a bowl for 2 hours (cold water!). After the two hours, rinse and dry them with a towel - this step is not necessary but will make your fries very crispy and yummy! 

Preheat your oven to 420 degrees.
peel and cut the potatoes into this slices. In a bowl, mix the coconut oil and the spices. Add the fries and mix till they are all covered. Take a baking tray, covered with baking paper, lay the fries on the tray and make sure they are separated - otherwise they won't become crispy!
Bake the fries for 30 minutes, flipping them every 10 minutes.



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