Monday, June 02, 2014

Nutbutter energybars

Hi loves,
Today I was scrolling through my Instagram pictures and found an oldy but goody of my nutbutter energy bars! Weirdly enough I never got around to posting the recipe.. I think it was because I forgot to make a decent pic (still haven't got one but I will upload a close up somewhere this week!) These babies are packet with beautiful ingredients and give you that extra whoop whoop when you feel like taking a nap or when you need to perform at your very best and you could use some extra energy!

Nutbutter energybars
1 very ripe banana
1 cup spelt oats 
1/2 cup (ground) mixed nuts
1/2 cup medjool dates
1/4 cup desiccated coconut
1/4 cup buckwheat
2 tbsp chiaseeds
2 tbsp nutbutter (I went for almond butter)
2 tbsp coconutoil
2 tbsp cinnamon powder
3 tbsp dried cherries

Start by preheating your oven to 280 degrees. While your oven is doing all the hard work, you'll have more than enough time to whip up these yummy bars. In your foodprocessor mix the banana, nutbutter, coconut oil and the dates. Process until you have a nice and smooth mixture.
Add the rest of the ingredients (except the cherries) and pulse until combined. Line a baking tray with baking paper and pour in your energybar mixture, place the cherries on top. Put into your oven for about 20 minutes. Let it cool and cut into individual bars. Perfect to take with you to work or school! Enjoy!!



  1. It looks very delicious and healthy food,..and spice blends are too good and natural,.
